28 Kasım 2008 Cuma


What is acupuncture?
It is a kind of treatment by means of pricking needle on some points on body.
How many seance does it require?
It changes illness to illness. Some illnesses may require to 20 seances while some of them only one.
How much does a seance take?
It takes 20 minutes.
How can the needles be aseptik?
They become clean in a dry-hot weather sterilizer. At first they are put in a special box and then stay in 180 degree centigrade.
Is there any side effect of acupunctur?
If it is done by an expert, no.
In fact acupunctur is not known much in our country. However this treatment was invented by Turks 5-6 thousand years ago. Chinese learned this from Turks and developed it.

1 yorum:

nurten çelikkol dedi ki...

I am sure that most of the useful things are found by Turkish people but their being lazy slowly prevents their being productive:))Also it may be better to use acupuncture for ilnesses than medication.