29 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi


Department of Religious Affairs delivers all of the belonging of pilgrims to their homes except for zamzam. Prof. Ali Bardakoğlu who checks the cargo service warns people not to send zamzam by cargo and not to buy it in Turkey. He said" We don't accept zamzam because the Government of Saudi Arabia doesn't give permission us to carry zamzam en masse. The zamzam that our pilgrims give to cargo is poured at the border and are filled again in Turkey from tap. People drink tap water supposing zamzam. So they are being deceived."

And there is a new practice for pilgrims. They are given artificial yellow roses so that they are not lost and not seperated from the group. They are-especially women fond of it. They say they can find each other easily.

28 Kasım 2008 Cuma


What is acupuncture?
It is a kind of treatment by means of pricking needle on some points on body.
How many seance does it require?
It changes illness to illness. Some illnesses may require to 20 seances while some of them only one.
How much does a seance take?
It takes 20 minutes.
How can the needles be aseptik?
They become clean in a dry-hot weather sterilizer. At first they are put in a special box and then stay in 180 degree centigrade.
Is there any side effect of acupunctur?
If it is done by an expert, no.
In fact acupunctur is not known much in our country. However this treatment was invented by Turks 5-6 thousand years ago. Chinese learned this from Turks and developed it.

21 Kasım 2008 Cuma


Not only the Chinese but also the people living in the Middle and East Asia are slant-eyed. In fact the formation of eye is same everywhere. The difference occurs because of the eyelid. The line of the eyelid of the slant-eyed people is lower than the others'. According to teories, this line has formed in order to protect the eye against snow's sparkling light like snow goggles. Although there is not so much snow in these areas, it is proved that their ancestors were living in polars in the ice-age. Not only their eyes but also their noses are adjusted to the cold so they are small. Their skin and eyelids are fatty to prevent the eyes and the body from cold. So it would be truer to say that they are not slant-eyed but fallen-eyed:)

20 Kasım 2008 Perşembe


The rain has just begun. A little poor boy is trying to warm his hands at the corner, far away from the people, secluded. Where could he can go? Who can he shelter? He never knew his mother, father. He never knew the warmness of a family. The rain is in his eyes in fact. He is also hungry. Thinking he can be warm when he walks, he decides to go down the street. Passing by the cafes, the library he stops in front of a restaurant's window. In it, there are people laughing and talking. They are happy because they are not alone, they are not hungry. He turns his face down, goes on his way. After a while, he turns back. He doesn't know how to do but he makes his decision: he will enter the restaurant in secret. Again he comes in front of the big window. He walks into it slowly until a man shouts at him. "What hell are you doing here! You are not the person to come here! He says. He tries to tell his hunger but no word comes into his tongue. He is mute.

13 Kasım 2008 Perşembe


It is difficult to say that it is exactly lifeless. but it looks alike a human more day by day. it amazes everybody because he like a human can show his feeling such as happiness, sadness, anxiety, anger with his mimics. it is the most developed anthropoid robot.

the robot which is the process of three-year-work has no body for now. his face is conrolled by his own program and with the help of the little engines under his face, his face musculars are working as in the human.

he has the ability to imitiate the mimics he sees with his eyes. also he can speak.

the scientists in say that making a body for him is easier than making a face. it is reported that these robots are being developed for the service to the human. among the robots that are developed by japanese, there are robots working in the information desk, for helping the old and the disabled or as a guide.

but they are not as anthropoid as jules. somehow, some people think that, these robots will be used for spying or for the behaviors against the ethics..

"I will remember that day forever. Because I have never seen such a beautiful town in my life ever since. It was such a gorgeous lake house which can attract one to live there forever in peace.it reminded me of a superb romantic scene of the film The Lake House. I watch it with admiration and want to see it more and more. More and more. More and more.And then I decided to have sightseeing in this beautiful town. I set off early in the morning.After driving a lot and walking,i arrived there.Then,i did what i desired alot,i jumped into the lake. I felt the cold water, my blood flewing in my weins and i said to my self: yes this is the life i want.."

this was the paragraph we-all class- wrote in the advance reading and writing class. there is no connection just with me:))

6 Kasım 2008 Perşembe


they are a kind of black people who are living in africa. sometimes all of the short people around the world are called as pygmies. it is determined by egyptians and greeks that pygmies have been living for two thousand years and more.

real pygmies live in africa and they are very short. the males' lenghts are no more than 1.45 and females' are maybe 1.40 for the longest one.their skins are reddish black and their hair is usually curly like blacks.

they are people who live in jungles. they are approximately 100.000 and their quantitiy is decreasing day by day because of the marriages with other groups. they usually live in huts that are like half moon and have one entries. females make these huts and they do fishing. males, in groups, hunt with plectrums and archs. they have just started to use rifles. especially,they hunt monkeys and elephants. they don't process the earth. they either find their herbal nutrients by chance or get it by means of collectings that female do.


mummification is a very old funeral tradition.especially, it was used by egyptians and incas ancient times. today it is still performed by some african tribes: they just dry up the body by means of fire or smoke.

the preparation of the egyptian mummies was much more complicated than those of the african's. the dead body would be emptied-except for the heart and kidneys. then they would be put into "natron" for a few months. natron is a drying material.

after that, they would fill the body with resinous and alliaceous plants; they would lay odorous oils on the face of the body. they would wrap the body with linen. the face would be painted and glass ayes would be located so that the mummy could seem as alive as possible.

finally, the body would be put into a coffin,then left in a stone cemetery.it was because, they were believing that the spirit would come back and live again in that body...