In 79 B.C puzzolana coming from the Vesuvius turned Pompei into a graveyard. Almost 200.000 people perished and stayed as stones for two thousand years.
Pompei was a town which is set on the foot of the Vesuvius,near the bay of Neapolitan. A big wall with eight doors was surrounding it. The streets were covered with stones. You can still see the marks of tires, the polling mottos, announcements of theatres, little inns and the writings on their walls today. In the middle of the town there was a forum where parties were arranged every week. At these parties sometimes two slaves, sometimes a slave and a lion were pit against each other. Any kind of atrocity was brought out. Some people were very rich having luxurious houses,kiosks while some of them were very poor. At the end, this welfare,cruelty caused people to make immoral things.
Vesuvius erupted in august with a big noise. People didn't know what to do and tried to escape. Noone could remember the old, the babies, the disabled.. Everybody just thought about themselves but big blazes didn't permit them to escape. After two days, the town was under 8 meters.
People who tried to escape with ships were died, too. When some people understood there would be a big eruption-because earthquakes occured frequently- they turned their way to the harbor. Unfortunately big waves cut them off. Those waves made them fall into the fire. Death was inevitable for them.
Some people supposed they would find the survival at their homes, but the poisonous gas choked them in their homes. Some of them were having meal, some of them were kneeling and some of them were in bad positions.
Today you can see all of them in the Neapolitan Museum.
3 yorum:
Well,I was curious about Pompei and I found some information from this passage.Thank you for your sharing;)
I have read a text about is really interesting that all people around Pompei remained at same position they died in same position and their bodies remaines same for thousand year time
I love geography and you all know while mentioning volcanic eruptions,Pompei appears on the scene.I did some search about it before,too.It has a lot of mysteries and so interesting points.Therefore; reading about it was great!Thank you:)
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