Research men have found that there are three darwings in a painting of Leonardo da Vinci, a painter and a scientist. According to the news of Times, these are a head of a horse, a part of a skull, and a lamp. The scientist explained that drawings are Vinci's style.
These mysterious drawings strenghten the allegations about that there are religious symbols and codes in his paintings.
Vincent Pomarède, who is an employee in Louvre Museum said that he used the backs of the paintings to make drawings, so they are not symbols or codes. Some people say that in the past painters couldn't find canvas to paint on, so they used secondhand canvas. Those are not secret symbols but they are the marks of former paintings.
5 yorum:
i think it is worth to think whether it is right or can be true because painting is a myterious art.everything is between the painter and his painting.the painter reflects his feeling on the canvas.and it seems to me nonsense that they are left from the former painter because painters clean the area before drawing a picture.
I heard it before in Dan Brown's book-da vinci code-the book claims that some paintings of davinci was changed or something was added.I think his paintings have got something mysterious.
It is fascinating but I wasn't suprised because Leonardo da Vinci is an expert in painting and he might have done everything about it. He is a master and I think it must have some mysteries in his art.
you know not only painters used dual art but also poets cos of the norms....and i think it really best thing use dual art.....
and i dont think that its related to any misters
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