29 Aralık 2008 Pazartesi


After the New Year's Day:

* Beggars, people who keep pavements busy, people who smokes at the places where it is forbidden, people who are drunk and disturb others, people who don't show their IDs will pay 69 Tl.

* People who cause pollution; who throw the waste of animal, old furniture to the streets apart from the certain days will pay 69 Tl.

* People or companies that throw the waste of constructions to the places except from the certain sites will pay from 140 Tl to 4261 Tl.

* People who don't have the permission to hang and tear poster, announcement, paper in parks or streets will pay from 140 Tl to 4261 Tl.

* People who gamble and behave against the police will pay 140 Tl.

* Companies who make extreme noise and disturbe people will pay from 420 Tl to 7105 Tl.

I hope these punishments will work...


In the On Dokuz Mayıs University, nearly 100 metal goods were taken out of a man's gastric such as a fork, a tea spoon, a pin, a nail clipper and so on..
According to the information, a mentally disabled man was taken to the university hospital because of his stomachache complaint a week ago. In the medical examination it was detected that there were a number of metal things in his gastric. The operation took 7 hours and in the end, he got rid of them. The operator said that he had seen such patients but he had never seen a situation like this. “Some of the needles he ate were stuck into his abdomen by piercing his intestinal. If it were late, there would occurred worse results. We cleaned the gastric on time. His condition is better now. His psychotherapy has started.” he said.
His family didn't know that he had a habit like this. His sister said that he had some problems in his childhood, but now she would do anything so that he wouldn't do the same things any more.

21 Aralık 2008 Pazar


Research men have found that there are three darwings in a painting of Leonardo da Vinci, a painter and a scientist. According to the news of Times, these are a head of a horse, a part of a skull, and a lamp. The scientist explained that drawings are Vinci's style.

These mysterious drawings strenghten the allegations about that there are religious symbols and codes in his paintings.

Vincent Pomarède, who is an employee in Louvre Museum said that he used the backs of the paintings to make drawings, so they are not symbols or codes. Some people say that in the past painters couldn't find canvas to paint on, so they used secondhand canvas. Those are not secret symbols but they are the marks of former paintings.

20 Aralık 2008 Cumartesi


He-Li Guoksing, a farmer in China- was the second person who got his face transplanted. However, he was died 6 months ago and the reality has just been announced. His body hasn't been examined and the factor that caused his death is not known.
His operation was a success. A part of his face was smashed by a bear and the new face which was taken from a donor was transplanted. His new photos were published all over the world.
His doctor talked about his death. He said that Li's death was not related to the operation. Li had to take some medicines in order that his body could accept the new histo but he declined it. He tried to find some solutions in alternative medicine.
His death was published in some blogs but it was never in media. Why they concealed his death and what the reason of his death is not known for now.

15 Aralık 2008 Pazartesi


In 79 B.C puzzolana coming from the Vesuvius turned Pompei into a graveyard. Almost 200.000 people perished and stayed as stones for two thousand years.

Pompei was a town which is set on the foot of the Vesuvius,near the bay of Neapolitan. A big wall with eight doors was surrounding it. The streets were covered with stones. You can still see the marks of tires, the polling mottos, announcements of theatres, little inns and the writings on their walls today. In the middle of the town there was a forum where parties were arranged every week. At these parties sometimes two slaves, sometimes a slave and a lion were pit against each other. Any kind of atrocity was brought out. Some people were very rich having luxurious houses,kiosks while some of them were very poor. At the end, this welfare,cruelty caused people to make immoral things.

Vesuvius erupted in august with a big noise. People didn't know what to do and tried to escape. Noone could remember the old, the babies, the disabled.. Everybody just thought about themselves but big blazes didn't permit them to escape. After two days, the town was under 8 meters.

People who tried to escape with ships were died, too. When some people understood there would be a big eruption-because earthquakes occured frequently- they turned their way to the harbor. Unfortunately big waves cut them off. Those waves made them fall into the fire. Death was inevitable for them.

Some people supposed they would find the survival at their homes, but the poisonous gas choked them in their homes. Some of them were having meal, some of them were kneeling and some of them were in bad positions.

Today you can see all of them in the Neapolitan Museum.

14 Aralık 2008 Pazar


According to WHO and FDA(Food and Drug Administration) an adult should consume 6 gram salt, 65 gram oil at the most in a day. And if it is possible, trans oil shouldn't be in this ratio. In children this number decreases to 3 gram salt and 30 gram oil. It means, when your child eat two packets of crisps, s/he goes beyond this proportion.

Researches show that when consumption of trans oil surpasses 20 gram daily, the risk of obesity increases to %80 and of the heart attack to %60.

WHO has started a campaign as " Fight Against Salt" . BHF has also started a campaign so that children lower the consuption of crisps warning them with this motto" Eating crisp is nothing but drinking oil". In a packet of crisp 2,5 spoon of oil is used and with the oil that is used in a day in Britain, two olympic pools can be filled. In the world 36 billion packets of crisps are sold every year.

But still we are going on eating them. Because there aren't efficient warnings in our country. Some people suggest that there are remarks on the crisp packets saying" crisp is harmful to your health" as on the cigarette packets. Of course we don't know to what extent this can be useful and deterrent. But we can see this means nothing for most of the addictives..