31 Ekim 2008 Cuma

i had been waiting in that line for hours just for my meal by which maybe most of yours were disgusted when a foto of mine was taken.. i didn't notice the flash, i didn't notice the camera.. how could i notice? i was just thinking of my iftar. i was thinking of my having a meal for that iftar.. yes i was happy and you grabbed me..
you took my foto, but you weren't able to picture my heart. maybe that foto told everything. but you couldn't understand my condition. because you were with your families in your warm houses. me? i was like a bird which is left by its family. i was alone in the hurricane-in the life.
yes,you took my foto and had awards for your success. i was on tv. i was famous with my happy smile and my meal in my hands. you said " poor woman" to me. but you didn't think about me or people like me..
ı had planned everything before that terrible day : i was going to go to my fiance,and we were going to take a date for our wedding. but what is this darkness now in front of my eyes? what is this coldness in july? am i dead or the world has come to end? a day ago,i was with my family,now,where are they?am i alone like a butterfly in the sky? i wish,i could scream.. but no one can hear me other than this concrete.
there is a huge concrete jungle on me. i can't bear this force. i feel,all the building is on my abdomen.. i feel myself like a bed to that wreck..
oh yes,maybe the sun rose outside. but i don't know whether i would have that chance to see that life giving light..what i know is that life is a train..and i suppose, this is my last station..
Ts’ai Lun was an officer in China 2000 years ago and he invented the paper which was same as today in A.D 105.He mashed mulberrytree’s bark,bhang and fabric mixing with water.Then he pressed that mush and hung it.
In fact people had been using sometings to write on for centuries by that invention.But that invention made China the most developed civilisation.Surprisingly paper couldn’t come to Europe in following 1000 years.And the first paper was made in Spanien in A.D 1151.
After the invention of press,the need for paper increased.And finding rawmaterial for paper was difficult.In this way,making paper was time consuming.
In the beginning of 18th century,a French scientist-Rene Antonie saw bees making paper without using all those materials in the forest and was inspired by that.Bees were mixing branches with their gastric juice.Rene-Antonie made research on bees’ gastric juice and in 1719 he presented his discovery to the Academy of French Royalty.
The first paper machine was invented in 1798.And this machine has developed for years...


It is not the product of mathematical imagination,but the product of natural principle related to laws of balance.
what are similarities between pyramids,Mona Lisa’s portrait,the space between your fingers,a snail,a pine cone and a sunflower??
the answer is hidden in a group of number.these numbers are found by an italian mathematician,Fibonacci.and the characteristic of these numbers is that:a number is the total of two numbers which come before that number.
when you divide a number with the number which comes before that number,you’ll obtain similar answers..and after the 13rd number-144- you’ll always get the same number.and that is:GOLDEN RATIO
you can see golden ratio in your surroundings:
there is golden ratio in human body,in space,in DNA,in snails,in phisics..etc.
in your face there is golden ratio,too.but don’t try to measure somebody’s face with your ruler because it is a scientific task:))for example :
the lenght of face/the breadth of face=1,618
between the pupil of the eyes/between the eyebrows=1,618
the lenght of mouth/the breadth of nose=1,618..
and also in snow crystals..you can see it in different extensions of crystal..

21 Ekim 2008 Salı

just for fun:)

anadolu ajansı:the end of the world has come!!!
zaman:we have said it for years..
cumhuriyet:at last we will be reunited with Ata..
aktuel:here are two things which must be with you on doomsday:good deed and clothes that are resistant to heat
arena(ugur dündar):the spine-chilling folders of the reprobate people who tried to enter to Heaven secretly!!
auto show:here are the automobiles that can reach 100 km per hour on sirat!!
elle:lose weight more than ten kilos until the Day of Judgement! a wonderful diet!
pc game:game over!!
*this is my last cigarette
*now,65 million people is watching us
*all the women are beautiful
*i have waited for two hours but nobody opened the door
*you are brought by storks my boy
*if you don't eat it,it will cry after you
*this is the most beautiful present i have ever received

20 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

look at these photos!!!

being a woman in pakistan where some states have very tough rules about rights of women..among the violance the men do to the women is throwing out nitric asid to their faces..you may ask what did they do to deserve this..yes here is the answers..
*because she refused to marry a man..
*because she wanted to continue her school
*because she was born as a girl
*because she was walking lonely in the street.and this was forbidden according to the laws of shari'a...

what would you name him???

he is a musician,a painter,an architect,an expert of anatomy,a scientist,he has lots of information about maths and astronomy..who he is??

these are some of the things which you don't know about LEONARDO DA VINCI:

*he made the first concept of bicycle,helicopter,submarine

*he wrote with his left hand and beginning from the left..so a mirror is necessary to read his writings

*there is "altın oran" in mona lisa

*the color which he used on the right side of mona lisa is a color which is can't be found on earth

*he examined almost 30 died people's bodies.and he wrote down these notes about anatomy in every detail..this book was used before x-ray was invented

14 Ekim 2008 Salı


Obesite is a developing problem these days and most seen in 6-7 years old childrens..at this age fat tissue rises and extra calories turn into fat.so this causes obesite.

according to the surveys obesite is most seen in the girls especially during the adolescence.because at these ages desire for food increases.

we like fat babies and we make them eat everything.but this brings about obesite.this situation is seen as not important because we think ''they will lose weight however''.but survey results explain how wrong this thougt is.

so what should we do??there is some advice here:

1)childrens should eat with their families and shouldn't eat apart from the meals.

2)they shouldn't sit in front of the tv or computer for more than 2 hours.

3)they should make breakfast by all means

4)make smaller portions for your child and use less sugar in their drinks

5)you may give permission them to eat fast-food just for once in week:)))))))

13 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi


this is BIG BLUE HOLE.it is in the middle of the sea and it is assumed to be the best diving point in the world.it is in Belize's waters-which is a country of America.it was introduced to the world in 1971 by Jakues Yves.yes it is most known by the people who are fond of diving but it still keeps it secrety for the local people.
scientists explain that this hole was in fact a cave in the ice age when the sea level was low.And with the rising levels of the sea the cave's ceiling collapsed so it was under the waters.
however,some of the the native people don't accept this explanation.because they think their gods were living there and they-gods-vere offended so they left the cave.and the ceiling collapsed..they still see the hole as a temple.and some of them claim that this hole transform into silver at night..

hi all..

hi all! i am sule .
i just want to introduce myself.i love music and i wanted to play ''ney'' but i couldn't enroll the course because i was late for the deadline:(( but i started the guitar course..
i like eating,sleeping and not doing homework!!! i am a bit homesick altough i stayed in dormitory at high school for four years..i miss my room!!
and and and i hope these lessons won't be difficult:((because i thought i wouldn't study after i won the exam but this university spoiled my dreams..
that's all for now..see you..